Your Guide To
Eco-Friendly Living

Green Ideas for a Healthy Life and Happy Planet

About The
Social GOOD Posse

Image of Brittany Goldhawke
Brittany Goldhawke, The Author of Social GOOD Posse

The Social GOOD Posse Author

The author, Brittany Goldhawke, holds a BSc degree in Microbiology and Immunology from UBC. After over 5 years of working in research with yeast, Brittany became interested in the use of microbes for more sustainable living and environmental purposes. These interests spurred her desire to provide insightful content on eco-friendly living. Her sustainable lifestyle blog often incorporates her knowledge of micro-organisms, human health, immunology, and product research, all well backed by scientific studies.

Brittany strives to provide “social good”, finding ways to benefit the environment and population as a whole.  This blog was created to provide an easy way to make that one simple change for everyone. She called upon some special people in her life to join her social good posse, which helps her provide product feedback. 

Why Eco-Friendly living is in order

A picture of home grown kale

With a predicted rise in global temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2040, the need for change to eco-friendly living is very evident. The top sectors that contribute most to greenhouse gas emissions are heating/electricity (25%), Agriculture/Forestry (24%),  and Transportation (14%). Our focus as a society needs to be to change our lifestyles, including the food we consume, transportation methods, and energy consumption. Our blog seeks to address these issues and provide you with ways to achieve these goals. If we don’t change for ourselves, we must consider it for the future world and our children. 

How to create an Eco-Friendly Living Space

An image of eco friendly living indoors

Discover ways to make a sustainable and healthier home

We wanted to gather all of our incredible finds into one place, where you can learn ways to create a sustainable living space for your new eco-friendly life! Blog posts include topics on organic gardening and growing your own food, homemade compost, non-toxic indoor cleaning products, sustainably made furniture, and more!

Eco-friendly and natural ways to feel gOOD inside and out

A picture of a person doing yoga
A picture of a vegan sandwich and someone living an eco friendly lifestyle
biodegradable toothbrush for eco friendly living
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Holistic Health

Current articles, tips, and product testing for natural ways to increase your health, and wellness without impacting the environment.

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Plant-based Food

Plant-based and vegan food ideas that won't hurt your budget, and satisfy your cravings. We've tested the latest plant-based and natural food products for you, your children, and entire family, and that includes our animal companions as well. Here's our top picks!

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Natural beauty

Eco-friendly, natural, and even DIY beauty products for skincare, hair, makeup, and oral health.

How to Choose Eco-Friendly foods

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